A. M. Mikula, Research Engineer
Kingsbury, Inc., Philadelphia. Pa. 19154
This paper compares the leading edge groove and pressurized supply (flooded)
lubricant supply methods, and analyzes their influence on the performance of
equalizing tilting pad thrust bearings. This paper presents new experimental data on
6-shoe, 267 mm (10 ½ in.) O.D. bearings, operating at shaft speeds up to 14000
rpm, with loads ranging up to 3.45 MPa (500 psi) for two different lubricants. The
data presented details the power loss and babbitt temperature performance of two
versions of the leading-edge-groove bearing design and contrasts the results with a
pressurized supply bearing design.
The leading edge groove tilting pad thrust bearing is a
hydrodynamic bearing that introduces the lubricant directly
into the fluid film at the leading edge of the thrust shoe. This
method of supplying cool, undiluted lubricant into the
hydrodynamic wedge has been found to significantly reduce
bearing power loss and babbitt temperatures [1].
This paper presents the most recent results of the extensive
and ongoing testing performed on the leading edge groove
bearing, and serves as a supplement to the test data published
in reference [I]. These additional performance figures are the
result of refinements that have been made to the leading-edge groove
bearing's design since the original results were first
published. The net result of these refinements has been to
reduce internal leakage and, therefore, maximize lubricant
flow into the groove. Additional new test data has also been
included for a more viscous lubricant, and a further reduction
of oil flow rates.
The two primary indicators of bearing performance, power loss and babbitt temperature, will be used to evaluate the leading-edge-groove and pressurized supply (flooded) bearing
designs. Each bearing was tested under identical conditions of
applied load, shaft speed, inlet oil temperature, and oil
viscosity. A detailed description of the test rig can be found in
reference [2].
Each bearing was evaluated using both a light and heavy oil
that was supplied at 46°C (115°F). Applied loads ranged from
0-3.45 MPa (0-500 psi) and shaft speeds ranged from
2000-14000 rpm.
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