A. M. Mikula, Director of Marketing
Kingsbury, Inc., Philadelphia, PA 19154
This paper compares the LEG and pressurized controlled flow lubricant supply
methods and evaluates their influence on the babbitt temperature and bearing power
loss performance of a tilting pad, equalizing thrust bearing. The paper also presents
new experimental temperature data from bidirectional testing of a unidirectional
LEG bearing. The experimental data presented is from a 267 mm (/0.5 ill.) O.D.
bearing, operating at shaft speeds up to 13000 rpm with applied loads that produced
mean unit pressures of up to 3.45 MPa (500 psi). Conclusions are drawn based
upon these test data.
The leading-edge-groove (LEG) tilting pad thrust bearing is
a low frictional loss hydrodynamic thrust bearing that utilizes
a managed oil flow lubrication concept. The bearing is so
named because the leading edge of each pad or shoe is extended
to accommodate an oil distribution groove. Cool, undiluted
lubricant is introduced from this groove directly into
the fluid film of each shoe. This method of supplying oil into
the hydrodynamic wedge has been found to significantly
reduce bearing frictional power losses and babbitt
temperatures [1, 2).
In this third paper of leading edge groove thrust bearing test
results, the oil supply method was isolated and evaluated to
determine its influence on bearing performance. The two
previous papers [1, 2] compared offset pivot (60 percent) LEG
and central pivot (50 percent) conventional thrust bearings.
Elwell and Leopard in reference [1), and Martin and Gardner
in reference [2] questioned whether the LEG temperature advantage was a result of the lubrication supply method or pivot
location. This paper presents test data that addresses that
question. The two primary indicators of bearing performance-frictional
power loss and babbitt temperature-are
used to contrast leading edge groove and pressurized supply
(controlled flow) bearing results. Each bearing was tested
under identical conditions of applied load, oil supply flow
rate, shaft speed, oil supply temperature, pivot offset, and oil
viscosity. Details of the bearing test rig can be found in
reference [3].
Bidirectional operation test data for the LEG bearing is also
presented. Babbitt temperature comparisons are made to contrast
proper and reverse shaft rotation. Each bearing shaft
rotation direction was tested under identical conditions of applied
load, shaft speed, oil supply temperature and oil viscosity. Temperature differences can be attributed to shaft rotation direction and, therefore, pivot and oil supply gro(
The bearings were evaluated using a light turbine (ISO I.
32) oil with a viscosity of 0.027 Pa·s @ 37 .8°C and 0.00'?i.
@ 98.9°C (150 SSU @ 100°F and 43 SSU @ 210°F) supplied
at 46°C (115°F), for applied loads that produced mean unit
pressures ranging from 0- 3.45 MPa (0- 500 PSI) and shaft
speeds ranging from 4000-13000 rpm. The oil supplied to each
bearing was controlled by a throttling valve and measured
with a turbine flowmeter.
The performance data presented isolates and identifies the
individual contributions of shoe pivot location and oil supply
method. These issues were raised in the discussion of the two
previous papers [1,2], and based on this test data, should now
be resolved.
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